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Cognitive Implants will be available for consumer use by 2040.

Created by Harbinger1 on 2011-11-17; known on 2040-11-17

  • Harbinger1 estimated 80% on 2011-11-17
  • JoshuaZ estimated 57% on 2011-11-17
  • Harbinger1 changed the deadline from “on 2011-11-17on 2011-11-17
  • Anubhav estimated 90% on 2011-11-17
  • lavalamp estimated 40% and said “implants that do what, exactly?on 2011-11-17
  • Anubhav said “I think it means brain implants in general. Just guessing from context here though.on 2011-11-17
  • gwern said “clinical trials: what does ‘consumer’ mean? invasive surgery is a tough sell for unregulated on-demand stuff – even plastic surgery is a hella safer than brain surgeryon 2011-11-17
  • Anubhav said “Well… you’d only need surgery the first time around. The next time you open a port on the back of your neck and plug in the implant. (Just one of the ways this could happen.)on 2011-11-18
  • Isaac estimated 65% on 2011-11-18
  • themusicgod1 estimated 42% on 2016-10-09
  • JoshuaZ estimated 62% on 2022-12-31