HP MoR: Draco/Luna will be a romantic pairing in the Methods of Rationality.
Created by Anubhav on 2011-11-19; known on 2016-01-01; judged wrong by PlacidPlatypus on 2016-01-01.
- Anubhav estimated 10% on 2011-11-19
- Anubhav on 2011-11-19
- Anubhav said “Related: predictions 4532 through 4542.” on 2011-11-19
- gwern estimated 10% and said “have they interacted? I don’t remmeber any so far” on 2011-11-19
- Anubhav said “Luna hasn’t even come onscreen yet… All we know of her comes from Draco and Harry’s reactions to various Quibbler articles. ” on 2011-11-20
- Anubhav changed their prediction from “Draco/Luna will be a romantic pairing in the Methods of Rationality.” on 2012-04-09
- lavalamp estimated 4% on 2012-04-10
- Anubhav estimated 1% and said “Looks like fic’s gonna end before she’s established as a character.” on 2012-04-10
- PlacidPlatypus estimated 2% on 2012-04-19
- Oscar_Cunningham estimated 1% on 2012-04-20
- from3004 estimated 10% on 2014-10-16
- PlacidPlatypus judged this prediction wrong on 2016-01-01.