HP MoR: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality will be completed by 2015.
Created by Anubhav on 2011-11-19; known on 2015-01-01; judged wrong by Anubhav on 2015-01-01.
- Anubhav estimated 70% on 2011-11-19
- Anubhav on 2011-11-19
- Anubhav said “by 2013: http://predictionbook.com/predictions/4543 ; by 2014: http://predictionbook.com/predictions/4544 ” on 2011-11-19
- kilobug estimated 60% on 2011-11-19
- Mqrius estimated 40% on 2011-11-19
- JoshuaZ estimated 62% on 2011-11-19
- gwern estimated 65% and said “I think by this point EY would be so sick of MoR he’d either finish it or permanently abandon it.” on 2011-11-19
- roshni estimated 25% and said “It seems EY will need to definite steps to motivate himself to work on it (the way MoR helped the rationality book). I rate the chance of that really low as the story doesn’t seem to be anywhere near its conclusion.” on 2011-11-23
- chemotaxis101 estimated 60% on 2011-11-26
- roshni estimated 70% on 2012-03-26
- lavalamp estimated 75% on 2012-04-10
- Anubhav estimated 99% on 2012-04-10
- Ken estimated 75% on 2012-04-11
- JoshuaZ estimated 80% on 2012-04-11
- PlacidPlatypus estimated 40% and said “I consider abandoned not to count as completed.” on 2012-04-19
- Oscar_Cunningham estimated 95% on 2012-04-20
- jesyspa estimated 60% on 2012-05-13
- Sarokrae estimated 90% on 2012-11-27
- ygert estimated 60% on 2012-12-16
- nigr estimated 100% on 2013-08-15
- gwern estimated 50% and said “http://hpmor.com/notes/progress-14-07-01/ isn’t even going to start the last chapters until september, and he’s consistently overestimated how fast he’d work and whether he’d update” on 2014-07-02
- papermachine estimated 60% on 2014-07-02
- Jach estimated 60% on 2014-07-02
- etarletons estimated 75% on 2014-07-05
- gwern estimated 30% and said “see http://hpmor.com/notes/progress-14-09-01/” on 2014-09-04
- Mati estimated 30% on 2014-09-04
- from3004 estimated 70% and said “Adjusting for positive outcome bias” on 2014-10-16
- roshni estimated 20% and said “2 more months, one final arc pending. Reducing earlier estimate. ” on 2014-10-26
- sweeneyrod estimated 5% on 2014-12-14
- holycow81 estimated 23% on 2014-12-15
- Anubhav judged this prediction wrong on 2015-01-01.