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Kevin's diet (see comments for link) will work for Eliezer Yudkowsky (formally, lose at least 10 pounds in a year). If EY never adopts the diet, this prediction is wrong.

Created by papermachine on 2011-12-25; known on 2013-02-15

  • papermachine estimated 15% on 2011-12-25
  • papermachine estimated 15% and said “See for the diet: “eat whatever you want as long as it is from this limited subset of foods and you are getting at least 50% of calories from healthy mostly saturated fat”on 2011-12-25
  • gwern said “this is why I like the conditional form, this conflates the odds of EY trying ith the odds of success conditional upon trying; as it is, I don’t know if you think it won’t work or that EY won’t tryon 2011-12-25
  • papermachine withdrew the prediction on 2011-12-26
  • papermachine said “Fixing it to be less ridiculous.on 2011-12-26