Copyright ruled unconstitutional by a US court before 2016.
Created by Anubhav on 2012-01-08; known on 2016-01-01; judged wrong by kuudes on 2016-01-01.
- Anubhav estimated 0% on 2012-01-08
- Anubhav said “See links on” on 2012-01-08
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2012-01-08
- JoshuaZ said “Extremely unlikely given that the Constitution has an explicit section for intellectual property. ” on 2012-01-08
- Anubhav said “Did you see the links? The idea is that the First Amendment supersedes it because it came later.” on 2012-01-08
- gwern estimated 0% on 2012-01-08
- Anubhav said “Related:” on 2012-01-08
- kiba estimated 1% and said “Western civilization is too wedded to the idea of copyright for them to repeal it in 4 years.” on 2012-01-08
- PseudonymousUser estimated 1% on 2012-01-08
- Grognor estimated 2% on 2012-01-16
- HonoreDB estimated 1% on 2012-01-16
- kuudes estimated 0% on 2015-12-27
- daniel74f estimated 0% on 2016-01-01
- kuudes judged this prediction wrong on 2016-01-01.