PredictionBook is now read-only (

This prediction will be deleted within 5 days.

Created by siscoking on 2012-01-14; known on 2012-01-19

  • siscoking estimated 99% on 2012-01-14
  • faws estimated 2% on 2012-01-15
  • siscoking withdrew the prediction on 2012-01-18
  • faws said “Withdrawing your predictions because you were wrong is not exactly the hallmark of honesty.on 2012-01-19
  • JoshuaZ said “Faws, if I’m reading this correctly, they meant “will be withdrawn” when they said “be deleted”. So it came true. on 2012-01-19
  • faws said “No, shortly (I think only a few hours) before at least one of siscoking’s predictions (that directly insulted another member) was deleted, this seems to have been an implicit accusation of unfair censorship.on 2012-01-20
  • gwern said “I set one of his more egregious predictions to be ‘private’.on 2012-01-21