HP MoR: story completed during Harry's second year of Hogwarts
Created by gwern on 2012-04-04; known on 2016-01-01; judged wrong by PlacidPlatypus on 2016-01-01.
- gwern estimated 5% on 2012-04-04
- gwern on 2012-04-04
- ArisKatsaris said “What are you doing, gwern? You should be assigning greater probability to each successive year, given how you phrased the predictions.” on 2012-04-05
- gwern changed their prediction from “HP MoR: story completed by Harry's second year of Hogwarts” on 2012-04-05
- Isaac estimated 5% on 2012-04-05
- lavalamp estimated 10% on 2012-04-10
- Anubhav estimated 1% on 2012-04-10
- PlacidPlatypus estimated 40% on 2012-04-19
- Oscar_Cunningham estimated 5% on 2012-04-20
- jesyspa estimated 30% on 2012-05-13
- PlacidPlatypus judged this prediction wrong on 2016-01-01.