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HP MoR: There will be at least one character whose Animagus form is another human

Created by gwern on 2012-04-05; known on 2016-01-01; judged wrong by PlacidPlatypus on 2016-01-01.

  • gwern estimated 40% on 2012-04-05
  • Sarokrae estimated 20% on 2012-04-05
  • ArisKatsaris estimated 4% and said “Unfortunately my animagus form happens to be myself and nobody realizes it whenever I transform back and forth. :-)on 2012-04-05
  • Grognor estimated 15% on 2012-04-06
  • lavalamp estimated 8% on 2012-04-06
  • ahartell estimated 5% on 2012-04-09
  • PotatoDumplings estimated 100% on 2012-04-10
  • PlacidPlatypus estimated 40% on 2012-04-19
  • Oscar_Cunningham estimated 2% on 2012-04-20
  • ygert estimated 30% on 2012-12-25
  • nigr estimated 5% on 2013-08-15
  • gwern changed the deadline from “on 2015-01-01on 2015-01-01
  • PlacidPlatypus   judged this prediction wrong on 2016-01-01.