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Looking back from 2016, people will say that Microsoft “got” social networking better than Google.

Created by RandomThinker on 2012-05-01; known on 2016-12-31; judged wrong by gwern on 2017-01-01.

  • RandomThinker estimated 65% on 2012-05-01
  • RandomThinker said “No real way to measure, so will have to be judged by the crowd in 2016. Right now, I’m assuming people don’t think this.on 2012-05-01
  • gwern estimated 20% and said “and what has MS ever done in social networking that didn’t suck?on 2012-05-02
  • JoshuaZ estimated 15% on 2012-05-02
  • RandomThinker said “So far this statement is debatable right now, because they both don’t quite “get” it. But I think Microsoft’s investment in facebook, xbox live and the new windows phone will let it overtake Google in a few years time. on 2012-05-02
  • RandomThinker said “I don’t think either of them will particularly get it either, but I think MS’ indirect approach is more likely to be effective than Google’s head-first charge approach. Compare IBM and MS vs. the internet in the 90s.on 2012-05-02
  • themusicgod1 said “Microsoft: bought LinkedIn.Google : Controls SMS for much of the world.Tie?on 2016-10-10
  • themusicgod1 estimated 50% on 2016-10-10
  • gwern   judged this prediction wrong on 2017-01-01.