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HP MoR: Voldemort deliberately & voluntarily retired from being Dark Lord, after doing something else involving Harry

Created by gwern on 2012-04-05; known on 2016-01-01; judged wrong by Anubhav on 2015-02-24.

  • gwern estimated 50% on 2012-04-05
  • gwern said “dumbledore says voldemort takes traps as challenges to his ingenuity…on 2012-04-05
  • gwern said “see also 2012-04-05
  • Bugmaster estimated 75% on 2012-04-05
  • lavalamp estimated 45% on 2012-04-06
  • ahartell estimated 50% on 2012-04-09
  • Anubhav estimated 30% on 2012-04-10
  • PlacidPlatypus estimated 25% on 2012-04-19
  • Oscar_Cunningham estimated 30% and said “‘Becoming Quirrell’ counts if and only if Quirrell is a good guy.on 2012-04-20
  • TheOriginalSoni estimated 68% on 2013-07-25
  • gwern changed the deadline from “on 2015-01-01on 2015-01-01
  • Anubhav   judged this prediction wrong on 2015-02-24.
  • Anubhav said “Got fried by magical resonances after horcruxing him and then got resurrected only by a freak accident. Nope, not deliberate. on 2015-02-24