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In 2060 there will be a human alive with age 140 or older.

Created by ChristianKl on 2009-10-17; known on 2060-12-31

  • ChristianKl estimated 50% on 2009-10-17
  • Larks estimated 80% on 2009-10-17
  • Robin Z. estimated 3% and said “This requires someone 91 or older today to live to 2060. Of 8 million persons 90-94 in 2004 only 2.4 million remain, and of 1.9 million 95+ only 0.34 remain.on 2009-10-17
  • anonym estimated 2% on 2009-10-17
  • Jack estimated 2% on 2009-10-18
  • Arenamontanus estimated 25% on 2009-10-19
  • gwern estimated 80% and said “This only requires a 20 year improvement on the state of the art (Jeanne Calment, age 122), and gives medical science 50 years to make that improvement.on 2010-07-29
  • JoshuaZ estimated 70% on 2011-05-24
  • Konkvistador estimated 60% and said “@gwern: Why do you think Jean Clements long life was primarily due to improvments in the state of the art? on 2011-07-21
  • JoshuaZ estimated 55% and said “Revising estimate downward. Too few people that old now. on 2011-08-10
  • pranomostro estimated 75% on 2018-11-25
  • Baeboo estimated 73% on 2018-12-12
  • Baeboo estimated 70% on 2018-12-12
  • deleteyourbrain estimated 0% on 2019-04-26