Unjudged Predictions
I will have >100 loss of function variants in my WGS data. (https://www.sciencemag.org/content/335/6070/823) ( 55% confidence )
Created by Porejide on 2015-09-15; known on 2016-01-15.
I will enjoy the new Star Wars movie as much as the original. ( 77% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by bhh322 on 2015-11-28; known on 2016-01-06.
Gathering/absorbing Hawking radiation and generating a net surplus of useful energy (not counting what you feed into the black hole) would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. ( 26% confidence; 5 wagers; 9 comments )
Created by orthonormal on 2015-08-18; known on 2016-01-01.
HP MoR: the original Quirrel killed his parents ( 15% confidence; 5 wagers )
Created by gwern on 2012-04-07; known on 2016-01-01.
HP MoR: ch45: The hint is about what happened to the phoenix Fawkes ( 15% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by gwern on 2012-04-04; known on 2016-01-01.
HP MoR: ch45: The hint is about why the Dementors are out to get Quirrel ( 20% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by gwern on 2012-04-04; known on 2016-01-01.
HP MoR: ch45: The hint is about why Harry can't hear Dementors ( 22% confidence; 3 wagers )
Created by gwern on 2012-04-04; known on 2016-01-01.
Before or coinciding with the release of the Apple Watch, Apple will [announce or release an new iPod touch model (however minor the differences)] or [announce the end of the iPod touch line or brand]. ( 60% confidence; 4 wagers )
Created by quicklystarfish on 2015-02-16; known on 2016-01-01.
Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed legislation to implement mandatory minimum sentences for stone throwers will still be there two months after the Knife Intifada has ceased. ( 60% confidence )
Created by mojo.rhythm on 2015-10-23; known on 2016-01-01.
General consensus that North Korea is behind the Sony hack attack by January 1, 2016 ( 37% confidence; 6 wagers; 10 comments )
Created by JoshuaZ on 2014-12-20; known on 2016-01-01.
UA would not join russian custom union in next two years ( 70% confidence )
Created by vasaka on 2014-01-20; known on 2016-01-01.
Univision will survive as a free over the air station until 2016 ( 56% confidence; 2 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by RandomThinker on 2013-04-10; known on 2016-01-01.
There will be a major blizzard in Denver in either October or November 2015 ( 35% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by InquilineKea on 2015-09-28; known on 2016-01-01.
I think that I will be working at the VA by the end of next month ( 60% confidence )
Created by DarthSophius on 2015-11-04; known on 2016-01-01.
At least one Dutch citizen will be penalized for downloading/spreading copyrighted material using a P2P system on a device located in the Netherlands before the end of 2015. A case started before 2016, but finished in the year 2016 counts as well. ( 10% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by akrasib on 2015-10-22; known on 2016-01-01.
I will quit my day job this year. ( 55% confidence )
Created by MattG on 2015-01-30; known on 2015-12-31.
I will have reached over a million dollars by year end. ( 65% confidence )
Created by aschberg on 2015-06-30; known on 2015-12-31.
“The International Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report will conclude it is likely, or more than likely, that human-caused global warming has increased hurricane intensity in the 1995-2005 time period.” ( 53% confidence; 2 wagers; 2 comments )
Created by gwern on 2010-07-31; known on 2015-12-31.
Gift from S is a fiction book. ( 24% confidence; 2 comments )
Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-12-24; known on 2015-12-28.
Gift from S is a non-fiction book. ( 12% confidence )
Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-12-24; known on 2015-12-28.
Gift from S is a sharp implement. ( 25% confidence )
Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-12-24; known on 2015-12-28.
Gift from N is a kitchen appliance. ( 56% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-12-24; known on 2015-12-28.
I think I will get all As or A-s on my courses this semester. ( 95% confidence )
Created by Majikkani_Hand on 2015-11-14; known on 2015-12-20.
I think I will get all As on my courses this semester ( 90% confidence )
Created by Majikkani_Hand on 2015-11-14; known on 2015-12-20.
Justen Zhang will change major at least once by December 2015 ( 43% confidence; 4 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by from3004 on 2014-11-26; known on 2015-12-16.
Score at least 150 on a PLSAT ( 90% confidence )
Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-10-16; known on 2015-12-16.
I think I will get an A in geosci ( 90% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by bruh on 2015-11-09; known on 2015-12-16.
My friend will reconnect and make plans with a love interest. ( 62% confidence )
Created by Neon on 2015-11-23; known on 2015-12-01.
Vamos ter uma v0 do dash até começo de dezembro ( 60% confidence )
Created by juliomarcos on 2015-08-05; known on 2015-12-01.
Toronto's condo market will tank in 2015. ( 25% confidence )
Created by realityriot on 2015-01-14; known on 2015-11-16.
Coin landing on eads ( 50% confidence )
Created by philvier on 2015-11-10; known on 2015-11-10.
That in 11 hours it will be 14:20 EST. ( 100% confidence )
Created by pjg5172 on 2015-11-09; known on 2015-11-09.
Dave Strider (Alpha timeline, from Beta universe) will die a permanent death by the conclusion of Homestuck ( 32% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by ChairmanMeow on 2013-10-31; known on 2015-10-31.
SR: The FBI/government will gain control in any way of DPR's ~฿600,000 within 2 years. ( 31% confidence; 4 wagers; 7 comments )
Created by gwern on 2013-10-04; known on 2015-10-04.
Staock market will finish down for the year ( 70% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by jaaksbus on 2015-10-02; known on 2015-10-04.
The fanfiction “Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles” will be revealed as satire/parody within one year. ( 90% confidence )
Created by sigmaleph on 2014-09-23; known on 2015-09-23.
Dollar will go to 66c ( 70% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by Christine on 2015-01-15; known on 2015-09-16.
The winner of the 2015 ImageNet challenge will have a error rate between 2-3%. ( 70% confidence; 2 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by FractalHeretic on 2015-04-18; known on 2015-09-15.
Obamacare will survive, but might get changed around the edges by court challenges. ( 90% confidence; 2 wagers; 2 comments )
Created by stephen on 2015-09-11; known on 2015-09-11.
This prediction won't have a confidence rate between any interval of length 10 I predict in this prediction within 15 days. Let's say for example 85-95 ( 100% confidence )
Created by damaru on 2015-08-15; known on 2015-08-30.
Raccoons will show up between 8/20/2015 and 8/27/2015 and destroy more of my water lilies. ( 51% confidence; 3 wagers )
Created by ialdabaoth on 2015-08-21; known on 2015-08-28.
Hover and Anna will argue less often than average family in the similar conditions ( 75% confidence )
Created by varman on 2014-08-09; known on 2015-08-09.
Dodger will not move out f GHTT ( 80% confidence )
Created by brian1314 on 2015-07-29; known on 2015-08-07.
I'll be programming for Android OS within a year ( 60% confidence )
Created by spacemammoth on 2014-08-03; known on 2015-08-03.
Veré 6 películas en una semana ( 80% confidence )
Created by acradis on 2015-07-25; known on 2015-08-01.
Escribiré al menos dos historias cortas ( 60% confidence )
Created by acradis on 2015-07-25; known on 2015-08-01.
Use of prediction tracking software will increase prediction accuracy over a 9 month period ( 46% confidence; 3 wagers )
Created by msevrens on 2014-10-28; known on 2015-07-28.
I will be going out with a girl next year. ( 8% confidence )
Created by spacemammoth on 2014-08-03; known on 2015-07-02.
Rondo will end up with more career playoff triple doubles than Larry Bird (he'll pass Bird by 2015) ( 65% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by RandomThinker on 2012-05-13; known on 2015-07-01.
Conditional on me feeling I have sufficient information to make a basic judgement, he had a complete break in his hand ( 14% confidence; 3 wagers )
Created by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2015-05-23; known on 2015-05-29.