Unjudged Predictions
Jérémie Zimmermann gets caught up in some kind of sex scandal (a la Julian Assange/Jacob Appelbaum) and is forced to withdraw from public life ( 27% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-11-08; known on 2021-11-08.
US will default on debt by the end of October 2021 ( 62% confidence; 3 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2021-09-29; known on 2021-11-01; judged wrong by PseudonymousUser on 2021-10-13.
0xB4DC0D3C will invite and meet cloe in Venice in 2025 and it will be great! 😃 ( 100% confidence )
Created by 0xB4DC0D3C on 2021-10-25; known on 2021-10-25.
0xB4DC0D3C will invite and meet cloe in Venice in 2025 and it will be great! ( 100% confidence )
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2021-10-25; known on 2021-10-25.
After recovering, my back will go out again within three weeks ( 70% confidence )
Created by raypsyd@optonline.net on 2021-08-23; known on 2021-10-21.
Lucid Motors/Atieva/whatever they change their name to in some way indicates Tesla motors is still a competitor ( 42% confidence; 3 wagers; 2 comments )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-10-20; known on 2021-10-20.
Hpe large retroperitoneal cystic mass. RN 1018781. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. ( 60% confidence )
Created by Akram1 on 2021-08-19; known on 2021-10-15.
Professor Trevor Gaunt will complete 80% of the work for the Open Philanthropy Project Geomagnetics Research grant by 2019-10-01 ( 85% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by OpenPhilUnofficial on 2017-08-30; known on 2021-10-01.
The WildAid campaign will contribute to a noticeable decline in the growth of Chinese meat consumption by 2019-10-01 ( 23% confidence; 3 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by OpenPhilUnofficial on 2017-08-30; known on 2021-10-01.
I will end up at least starting an academic postgraduate degree (excludes things like a PGCE, or medical conversion course) ( 70% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by RoryS on 2015-04-22; known on 2021-09-22.
Leah and the FSF will make amends, LibreBoot, including Leah will become GNU Libreboot again ( 11% confidence )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-09-21; known on 2021-09-21.
TBPL takes over NOIC small business development centre, writes them off as a partner. ( 53% confidence )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-09-21; known on 2021-09-21.
We won’t have a hurricane that’s worse than Wednesday’s ( 95% confidence )
Created by raypsyd@optonline.net on 2021-09-05; known on 2021-09-20.
Blue Origin will charge between 50,000 to 200,000 for a ride on New Shepard. ( 55% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by JoshuaZ on 2021-04-29; known on 2021-09-15.
[stocks] Disney up ca 10% inom 1 år ( 70% confidence )
Created by Alban22 on 2020-11-04; known on 2021-09-15.
[stocks] EPR upp 40% inom 1 år ( 70% confidence )
Created by Alban22 on 2020-11-04; known on 2021-09-15.
I am going to produce more than 20 kg tomatoes ( 70% confidence )
Created by Alk on 2021-04-06; known on 2021-09-01.
Open Philanthropy Project will want to invest at least an additional $3 million in some of the animal welfare groups for their work in China after the two-year grant period is over ( 70% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by OpenPhilUnofficial on 2017-08-30; known on 2021-09-01.
Open Philanthropy Project will want to invest at least an additional $1 million in some of the animal welfare groups for their work in China after the two-year grant period is over ( 90% confidence; 2 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by OpenPhilUnofficial on 2017-08-30; known on 2021-09-01.
Open Philanthropy Project will want to invest at least an additional $5 million in some of the animal welfare groups groups for their work in China after the two-year grant period is over ( 50% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by OpenPhilUnofficial on 2017-08-30; known on 2021-09-01.
Hpe. Lymphoma? Massive hepatosplenomegaly with lymphadenopathies. Rn 1018220 ( 80% confidence )
Created by Akram1 on 2021-08-19; known on 2021-08-25.
A2 ( 93% confidence )
Created by davatk on 2021-07-31; known on 2021-07-31; judged unknown by davatk on 2021-07-31.
Wallat J Granulom/Fettgewebsnekrose und keine Endometriose ( 80% confidence )
Created by prosti on 2021-07-08; known on 2021-07-26.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] IC ( 99% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] S1 ( 50% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] NKU ( 70% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] CM ( 95% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] S2 ( 60% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
[Project will be published [or privately completed] by Jun 30] SP ( 90% confidence )
Created by marcus_a_davis on 2021-01-13; known on 2021-07-01.
Computer users who have stickers on their laptop are as a group more aggressive and more likely to get into arguments online than those who do not have stickers ( 66% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2017-06-03; known on 2021-06-03.
behnke 13.02.1965 GCT ( 80% confidence )
Created by prosti on 2021-05-05; known on 2021-06-01.
I am going to resign before the end of May ( 100% confidence; 1 comment )
Created by Alk on 2021-04-06; known on 2021-05-31.
26.05.1963 08.04.21 DNET MVNT ( 80% confidence )
Created by Almatter on 2021-04-23; known on 2021-05-23.
I am banned from Facebook ( 23% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-05-23; known on 2021-05-22.
If i study hard, i could be the best ! ( 50% confidence; 2 wagers )
Created by nam2001 on 2011-05-11; known on 2021-05-11.
Going to finish 2 books in April ( 90% confidence )
Created by Alk on 2021-04-06; known on 2021-04-30.
2020 California summer crops will fail (<= 75% of [<=$28.5 billion] 2018 harvest income according to USDA). ( 56% confidence; 2 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by EnergyParade on 2020-02-26; known on 2021-04-15.
Flying cars by 2025 ( 1% confidence; 2 comments )
Created by robbins042 on 2021-04-05; known on 2021-04-05.
Heike Behnke gct ( 80% confidence )
Created by prosti on 2021-03-26; known on 2021-04-01.
I will still be using Prediction Book in 3 year's time. ( 60% confidence )
Created by Athrithalix on 2018-03-29; known on 2021-03-29.
A major fast food restaurant, or a 3rd-party company attempts drone delivery within 5 years. (Judgment right if available in more than one area) ( 75% confidence; 3 comments )
Created by jesselevine on 2016-03-25; known on 2021-03-25.
I won't wake up sick tommorrow ( 90% confidence )
Created by sallatik on 2021-03-22; known on 2021-03-23.
Russia's GDP will decline by more than 10% this year #coronavirus , https://twitter.com/akarlin88/status/1240818241502658566 (duplicating March 20 bet) ( 50% confidence )
Created by akarlin on 2020-06-17; known on 2021-03-15.
PA will get snow tomorrow. ( 40% confidence )
Created by Taylorb on 2021-02-16; known on 2021-02-16.
PAP becomes privatized and murders former shenzenites ( 58% confidence )
Created by themusicgod1 on 2017-02-04; known on 2021-02-04.
At least four GiveWell staff members with inputs in our cost-effectiveness model change their moral weights for either valuing health vs. income or age-weighting by at least 25%, and they attribute that change to IDinsight's beneficiary preferences survey ( 27% confidence; 2 wagers; 1 comment )
Created by Vipul Naik on 2019-06-23; known on 2021-02-01.
“If present trends continue, over the next ten years almost $500 billion of Title IV loans will have been funneled to this industry. We estimate total defaults of $275 billion, and because of fees associated with defaults, for profit students will owe $3 ( 65% confidence; 3 comments )
Created by gwern on 2010-08-17; known on 2021-02-01.
The queen of England will be killed by muslims(aka terrorists). ( 50% confidence; 4 wagers; 12 comments )
Created by Vaibhav_Srivastva on 2020-12-01; known on 2021-02-01; judged unknown by sty.silver on 2022-07-19.
19.12.1982 Solitärer fibröser Tumor myxoides Stroma/Hämangioperizytom Schwannom ( 60% confidence )
Created by prosti on 2021-01-20; known on 2021-01-27.
Trump's investigation into illegal voting will report at least 500,000 illegal votes cast in the 2016 election. ( 49% confidence; 4 wagers; 2 comments )
Created by regex on 2017-01-25; known on 2021-01-25.